I am a first year M.S. research student in Computer Science at McGill University and Mila, co-advised by Prof. Doina Precup and Dr. Khimya Khetarpal. My research is generously supported by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQNT) and Mila. I previously earned a B.Eng. in Honours Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science, also at McGill University.

My current research focuses on:

  1. Building intent-aligned and efficient reinforcement learning (RL) agents through the lens of affordances.
  2. Leveraging large generative models (e.g., LLMs/VLMs) to improve RL agents’ learning efficiency and generalization.

During my undergraduate, I developed AI solutions for cybersecurity at Dell Technologies/Secureworks, built robots that paint beautiful artwork at Acrylic Robotics, and worked on computer-vision-based anomaly selection for metal 3D printing processes, amongst others. I also co-produced the McGill AI Podcast where we discussed AI research, ethics, and applications with distinguished contributors in the field.

Outside of research, I run, weight lift, cycle, and play the piano.

Feel free to reach out for anything research related, always happy to chat!